The Bomb Footbags Story
Bomb Footbags had a different name for a few years, but was started when I was in highschool in Pittsburgh, PA at the age of 16 with my buddy Brad in 2002. We liked to play hacky sack, Brad was good with computers, my family was into business, so the basics came together and we had fun selling some hacky sacks. I went to college in Fort Collins, Colorado and kept the whole footbag business alive, but it wasn't until after college that I put more effort into it, and made it into something that put a couple bucks in my pocket. I have lived in the north Lake Tahoe area since 2008 and currently call Truckee, CA my home.
A lot of years later, it still only puts a couple bucks in my pocket, but I enjoy selling a product that keeps people active and social. I've sold to thousands of people and businesses, I've helped people develop new products for games, had my footbags at many weddings as people start a new life, and been apart of many sad occasions as a fun item to remember a loved one lost too soon at a memorial. Every one of them is truly an honor. Well, let's be honest, almost all of them... hahaha. I really enjoy chatting and getting to know people around the world, sometimes only very briefly, and some people that I've gotten to know more closely over the years.
I'm really not a very greedy person, I'm just trying to run an honest business and make a couple bucks along the way. Most of my customers are very happy with the quality of the product and the ease of the experience. Occasionally I make mistakes and forget to put a certain hacky sack in the bag or every so often I've really messed up and done something much dumber, and believe me, I'm much more frustrated than you if I've done that!
On a personal level, I just love to play. I am very lucky to partake in a lot of hobbies and frequently mountain bike, ski, water ski, do wind sports and play a lot of sand volleyball. I play rec league basketball and softball and will happily spend an hour throwing small rocks at a larger rock or kicking your butt in any yard game. I love to move, workout, breathe heavily, stretch and appreciate every day where I can do just that. What a gift. Keep moving!
Things I don't do well and am working on: sitting still
Thanks for checking out the site. Have fun out there!
- Mike